
Notre projet a vu le jour en 2022 et nous accueillons notre troisième batch d’élèves cette année. La Marine Technical School est un cours à plein temps qui dure une année et qui rend le jeune employable après avoir complété ses cours. Sauveteurs, skippers, techniciens ou réparateurs de bateaux sont des métiers qui seront proposés à ces jeunes dans le domaine maritime.
Les différentes institutions qui nous ont aidé pour ce projet sont HSBC International, ENL Foundation, Beahcomber Resorts & Hotels et i61 Foundation.


KRN Strategic Plan – Download PDF


To provide formal and informal education systems tailored to the needs of the people of Grande and Petite Rivière Noire (GPRN).


Objective: For all children in the the catchment area to attend the CPE exam and to achieve a pass rate of 50% by the year 2017.


Child care – Short term activities are focused on ensuring nurseries in the region are sufficiently supported to continue operating. Long term activities are concerned with increasing the capacity of existing nurseries by providing human resource and financial support.

Further long term activities include the construction of an ‘Awakening Centre’ for babies, concerned with the holistic development of infants.

Tutoring – Support offered at a primary level, outside of school hours, to assist children with the national syllabus. Children, especially those struggling with the mainstream education system, are assisted with literacy and numeracy.

To ensure that all children receive education, either through reintegration into the school system or developing a trade.

To provide a suitable environment and personal assistance to children who need help with their homework.

To offer support and guidance, through a mentorship support program, for parents having difficulty caring for their children.

NGOs involved: KRN, MAM, Love Bridge, Ti Rayons Soleil, Collège du St. Esprit, WillFly, Caritas Rivière Noire.

Library Club – Activities to teach literacy and learning.

Adult Literacy – A class to develop functional literacy skills.

NGOs involved: Pont du Tamarinier, Grand Rivière Social Welfare. Support also offered by La Balise Marina.

A class for children outside of school hours to improve their knowledge of computers.

NGOs involved: Pont du Tamarinier, Atelier Technique, KRN, Anbapie Association.

Objective: To transmit the values of education to 50 families in the area of GPRN by the end of 2017.

Classes and workshops to develop parental skills and teach parents how to be more involved in, and supportive of, their children’s education and academic performance.

NGOs involved: Caritas Rivière Noire, MAM, Ti Rayons Soleil, College du St. Esprit – Passerelles.


To ensure the people of GPRN receive their right to decent housing, quality of life and education.

Housing and Quality of Life

Objective: To provide adequate housing conditions for 165 families in GPRN by the end of 2017.

To address the problem of inadequate housing and land access for the construction of social housing.

To educate the community on their right to decent housing and to inform them how to acquire social housing and land.

Renovation of, and securing of homes, and improvement of living conditions in Camp Robinet (Morcellement Les Lilas), Cité EDC and Village du Tamarinier.

The construction and improvement of the sanitary systems in GPRN. This project started in GRN in December 2013 and in PRN in December 2014.

The creation of a database of the inhabitants on GPRN to determine an accurate social-economic and demographic profile of the catchment area.

To maintain and improve the attractiveness and cleanliness of the catchment area through the painting and decorating of fences with wall art.

NGOs involved: Le Pont du Tamarinier, Anbapie Association, Caritas Rivière Noire, Love Bridge, KRN.

Quality of Life

Food parcels – Delivered to families in urgent need.

Advice – Having access to counselling centres and social workers who can listen and give advice on everyday situations.

Care – Support for families needing special assistance as well as educating the community about their rights. This will ensure men, women and children know their rights and how to respond to a breach of these rights.

Pet Care – Workshops on how to properly care for pets, especially dogs.

NGOs involved: Caritas Rivière Noire, Ti-Rayons, Anbapie Association, Love Bridge, Pont du Tamarinier, Collège St Esprit, KRN.

The provision of additional medical care for Village du Tamarinier on a case by case basis through individual consultations.

The promotion of fitness and exercise through Zumba classes and a football club.

NGO involved: Pont du Tamarinier.

Construction of a multi-purpose recreational and training centre for the GPRN region.

The renovation of the pétanque grounds in GRN.

NGO involved: Anbapie Association, KRN.


The main objective is to build the capacity of Atelier Technique Rivière Noire (ATRN). This NGO assists young boys who have opted out of mainstream education in order to learn a trade. The long-term objective is to raise the level of training, so that the courses can be MQA certified and the boys receive professional training and a much greater chance of employment.

NGOs involved: ATRN, KRN.

Bursary and scholarship support for outstanding students who would like to attend a tertiary education institution but do not have the financial means to do so.

Certificates and permits – Assistance in acquiring new skills and permits to perform them e.g. kippers licences, nursery school teacher training.

NGO involved: MAM. Supported by La Balise Marina.


To empower and motivate the GPRN communities through a change of mindset towards personal development and self-respect.

Personal Development

Empowering men and women through life skills education.

Skill enhancement through recreational outlets and courses that teach creative skills such as crafting and sewing, and a football club for both men and women.

Creative workshops for children that both entertain and educate on specific topics such as personal hygiene and substance abuse, developing their creative and social skills.

NGOs involved: ETM, Le Pont du Tamarinier, Ti Rayons Soleil, Anbapie Association, LEAD.

Psychological support for vulnerable individuals and families in a safe and friendly environment.

Equipping social workers with the the appropriate counselling and guidance skills.

Counselling for young couples and mothers before and after pregnancy.
NGOs involved: KRN, MAM. Support also offered by La Balise Marina.

Recreational activities and outings are provided throughout the year to the young residents of the Rivière Noire region. A youth club in Village du Tamaranier and holiday activities by other NGOs keep the children occupied, entertained and cared for.

From time to time, evening intercultural exchanges and concerts are held to entertain the community and strengthen ties.